Let's settle this for good so we can focus on our true enemy.
Ivan get the vodka !
Her head legitimately looks pasted on
Don’t be fooled by fake “Before & After” posts.
Jewish Bizarre Adventure
I don’t even know what to say
Heatwave big gay
After years or Comparing myself to her (like her 1.2million other followers) I started noticing how her waist pulls in wrists and fingers
“Let’s make this random stranger look pregnant and screw up the poor table cloth in the process”
oh god oh fuck
Printscreen not found
AITA for naming my dog Pablo
AITA for telling my stepdad he can't be alone with my daughter?
Skusil som
When your visit to the Prague Old Jewish Cemetery is Ruined by a German tour group
May the 4th be with you
I dont wanna go home
Jaky fess hauko Hulk
New Zealand Maori having breakfast and reading the newspaper before work.
made a friend, being extremely cool and normal about it
Tipek automaticky prehral život
No shit pharaoh
Im still learning how to draw so don’t be harsh