TM Saiga 12K FPS w/ GG.
Boomer wishes this skatepark was insulated to prevent excessive noises!
Boomers seems like he hates life in general but leave these kids alone and be miserable at home!
Boomer at Work
Is Securitas a good company for a newbie?
Boomers acting like it’s Black Friday morning at Dollar Tree
For those who open in the morning
In stock options for TM Saiga-12K (USA)
Have you ever fallen asleep on the job?
Things I miss about the old Ohayocon
Custom knife store refuses to make knife with Nazi symbols.This is the Blade Bar in Edom, TX! Make sure to give them some love if you're passing through!
CSC guard
My friend had to deliver cat litter and was met with a weird, but sweet offering.
“I just got run inside real quick.”
Tactical boots - Under Armour or 511s?
The Warsaw Pact forces have just invaded through the Fulda Gap. What NATO rifle are you going to grab to stop the Red horde?
Have you ever been accused of following some & you never were?
In all my years of security, I can’t fathom what goes through peoples heads when they do this:
Gold Coast businessman hits kid with his car for ringing his doorbell.
Can this job ever actually be a “foot in the door”?
Most forgotten contestants or freeloaders
I want an anti tank rifle
USP 9mm Tactical - Omega 36M Suppressor Question.
Hk SL-8 and 10mm USP
Boomer scoffed at me for holding the door open
customer calls me a n***er after i couldnt deliver her package