Guess what Im doing today :)
Name a show from your childhood you watched faithfully that now seems all but forgotten.
Did your younger sibling jerk the controller up and down trying to make Mario jump higher... or did you?
Gen x, how close are we to our parents behavior now?
Actress Sybil Danning on the mid 1980s.
Emma Stone, what is your favorite movie of this amazing actress?
My view of the world and the world’s view of my office.
Who cheered for this guy? 😃
Cover to Cover
What drove you to lose weight?
It’s come to this? 🌚👩🦯😫
Which list is for presale codes?
Anybody remember this album? Still slaps!
I don't feel bad for EJ at all
I like the way I look for the first time in a long time. I (51m) think the black and white makes me look old(er) but I like it.
How do you like my No-Bake Blueberry Cheesecake for Easter?
I lost my boi while I was in the hospital
Anyone else celebrate St Patrick’s with this movie they watched as a kid?
There are comedic actors who deliver wonderful dramatic performances, but what are some serious actors who delivered hilarious comedic performances?
The Monkees are on!
Which dad would you choose to listen and unload all your lifes problems?
I shaved my facial hair. It’s weird, but the gray is gone 😆
Beverly D’Angelo – European Vacation (1985)
Have a good day
What’s this fish called