Full dex of my Philippine based region, the Lilim region!
Tried making a fakemon fir the first time!
Guys based on zooids and siphonophores (Credits to u/SpacedGodzilla 's terraria boss for pose reference and general silhouette idea for the final form)
Mine's ponytail venus flytrap
Philippine fakemon dump. Chocolate hills and cloud rats
Sparkyte and Buzzmaw, a pair of shocking shark-like shield and chainsaw pokemon.
Embish, Searafin, and Toastide: the Fire+Water clown fish, angel fish, and lion fish.
Legendaries for my Philippines based region.
a pretty cool fakemon I made! abilities are: levitate, poison point, anticipation (hidden)
Regional Form Sandygast and Palossmoke!
10 years later, in Alola, new mega stones have been discovered! Introducing Mega Castform!
Name ideas? [OC]
The Kaygo Region: Regional Lickitung Line!
A wild batch of Fakemon has appeared!
Regional Falinks
Remake of my Dhelmise evolution!
Fighting bug types based on arnis and stickbugs (And also a extra cucumber at the end)
second regional insect of Mithraos! Did you like it?
Starters for my fangame! OC
Custom Card for a friend's Fakemon!
My region's ancient pokemon! (Rename for fossils)
My region's pseudo legendary bug/dragon types based on the spotted Apatelodes Moth
Draedon won’t let us choose and now we can’t summon exo mechs.
Convergent form of Voltorb and Electrode based on bath bombs!