What are creative ways you could use portal powers in combat? (aside from defense)
AIO gf told me not to thank a cashier because I shouldn't talk unless necessary?
Every vehicle in the world including your car has been K24 swapped! Whats your reaction along with the rest of the world?
What kind of person drives this?
Do it
How would you legally use invisibility?
what mods do you use like this?
What does he drive?
just do it
Need help finding aftermarket parts
Choose wisely
Call me a newbie but all my people would have starved to death without this thing
Nuh uh dont think of liying
Yeah, no wonder you got denied, try something better next time
Okay bois if i get more than 1k upvotes im doing whatever the top comment says :333
RimWorld is considered woke bc of transhumanism???
Ok this is messed up
what did yall get?
I am gonna cry (first modding experience)
Why do people do this ? Sigh.
Is the aero meant to do that?
Chose two and i will give you a superpower with a side effect that has nothing to do with the super power
My first crosstrek
What made the van swerve into me?
minecraft mods go crazy