"In Batman v Superman (2016), Batman fights Superman. This is a clever nod to the fact that the movie is called Batman v Superman."
Los chats de Karol Cariola: gestiones para amigos, contratos en Santiago y duras críticas al gobierno
Llegará a Chilito?
Why do people actually debate this ?
Mejor restaurant de comida chilena?
Presidente Boric responde a chats Cariola-Hassler: "No me van a poner en contra de compañeras de ruta"
Revelan contenido de chats entre Karol Cariola e Irací Hassler: "El P es una mierda de ser humano" | Nacional
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Más perdido que el teniente Bello, muerto el 09/03/1914
Nicolas Maduro Honeydickeo a Diego Ruzzarin
Successful artists that are widely looked down upon
In Heretic (2024) an old Seth Meyers lets in 2 young Mormon missionaries to talk about religion and nothing bad happens. This is because I'm only 20 minutes into the movie.
You Can Only Pick Three
Do you have a Song that you don't Like at all?
'I Prefer to Make Dollars': Gene Simmons Explains How Kiss Is Different From AC/DC, Metallica, and Iron Maiden
Education Secretary Linda McMahon: Mass layoffs 'first step' to eliminate DOE
What is the most stupid movie that you still love, regardless of criticism?
Felicitaciones trump
Me ofrecieron ir a australia con 18 años y no sé que hacer
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Best *band* starting with letter E?
Have you seen locals steal jokes? And, if so, how do you approach it?
Best *band* starting with letter D?
Es necesario ser Pin8 lover para ser de derecha?
We are a quarter of the way through 2025. What’s your choice for album of the year?