Další korupce ANO: Byznys tu srostl s politikou, ANO slibovalo změnu. Dnes v Litvínově samo čelí podezřením
Mobs multiply by breeding, not by crafting. Ghast should NOT be craftable, it makes zero sense and undermines the lore
OFFICIAL Crafting Recipe of the Dried Ghast [via Bobicraft - Content Creator who playested the Happy Ghast]
Is my color pallete good?bedr
Idea for Ghast update
Do you think the dried ghast could work as a decoration in builds, sorta like using a heavy core as decoration
The new Happy Ghast harness implies players had to skin at least 50 cows
A small gif for the new mob.
I tried giving the Happy Ghast a more classic-style texture, just for fun
A basic model of how I would make a rideable ghast.
The ghast harness is by far the biggest craftable object in the entire game. It should require more material!
Polsko odstupuje od Dublinských dohod a nebude přijímat migranty, které jim vrátí Německo
Tusk: Poland will no longer comply with EU’s Dublin Regulation on returning asylum seekers
I made a concept of what the happy Ghast would look like if it had the same pixel resolution as the normal Ghast
The Happy Ghast saddle texture looks like it came straight out of a Bedrock Addon
My Build Landed in TIME Magazine — Insane!
So what are your first impressions of the happy ghast?
What is the most pleasant non sex or drug related experience a human can have?
What’s the best piece of sex advice you have to share?
What do you think of the "billionaires should not exist" (meaning that no single individual should exclusively own that much money) argument?
Which celebrity gives you "I sold my soul to the devil" vibes?
Has anyone noticed this?
What Made It Okay for God to Kill Women and Children In the Old Testament?
Klíčové je, že chtějí být pod Ruskem - Trumpův zmocněnec pro Ukrajinu přejal ruskou pozici a uznal nárok Ruska na část ukrajiny
what does the bible say about sexual abuse against children?