The originals quotes: what quote starts with K?
Legacies is… a waste
Daily Uriel Appreciation - Day 2
Who do you it is?
Simple Trick
Damn, so Turtle was wanting to cook all this time??
Your favorite ORV lines?
My attempt at Brian moser hair style
when was Arthur named paragon of purity?
What manhwa studio / artstyle would you prefer for the manhwa?
S4 just finished rewatching it!
About category 7 Gate
Dean and tattoos
The death of Elijah Mikealson
This will be interesting
I dare you >:3
Theory: Elijah isn't actually dead
...nothing, im just bored (6)
Just wondering
Am i the only one who thinks this was a foreshadowing?? Or was it just an honest mistake?
Sunny won't defie death
Am I The Only That Imagines VTB As This Bird
For you, which is the ORV arch that bored you the most and the one that entertained you the most?
tbate novel
Hey rich owl is this dokkaebi safe from you