Rangers FC fans last night with a far-right "Defend Europe" banner
Britain blocks launch of Elon Musk’s self-driving Tesla
If there were a Venn diagram comparing the voting population of the UK and US, how close would the Labour/Democrat and Conservative/Republican segments be?
Whose your all time favourite talk show host on UK tv?
Players to have won the league in 3 of the top 5 leagues
Mildly interesting; how many different locations (cities, towns or villages) have I stayed overnight at least once in mainland UK? See below...
People from the Midlands- what is your favourite part of it?
Theoretical; is it possible to give away money to everyone in a town? See below
When do you consider the cross-over period was when 'arcade perfect ' was a reality for home ports? See below...
Any idea what sort of ship this wheel would've belonged to, including approximate age? It's 26" in diameter and quite weighty (south west of uk)
Which UK buildings should people visit at least once?
Should i buy a ps5 just for gt7
What do you think is the split of player base re Wheel/Pad/Manual/Auto?
What's the oldest TV you have in your house still working and in continuous use?
Train madness
Rate my FIRE plan
Any clue on the artist for this painting? Can't see a signature, unless maybe if I take the back off and it's lower down. Thanks!
Is the National Insurance forecast on the Government website always accurate? See below
If you could only listen to uk music from a continuous 10 year period (doesn't have to be a decade), what period are you choosing? I'd go for 1985-1995 (based on albums or singles originally released in that period)
First time Zwifter (and not cycled in 20 years..!) - please send tips!
A tourist visiting North Korea secretly filmed a female traffic officer’s movements and published the footage.
If you could live anywhere in the UK based on the following criteria, where would it be?
At what point do we accept that charity shops have completely lost the plot?