Disney becoming more focused on live-action is just sad
E6s and Power Struggles/Leadership
What kind of Leader I am, and what I've Learned
Thoughts on Charles I of England
Third season ???
What’s your type and what fictional characters do you relate to and why?
Democrats, what are Democrats doing wrong? Republicans, what are Republicans doing wrong?
Was LBJ A Good Politician?
*SIGH* Counterphobic 6 AGAIN
How to recognize if someone is ENFJ
What types do you tend to get along with?
I hate how much of a moral compass Clarke thinks she is sometimes!!
I just noticed this
David as a Father
I hate how hard they defend Finn
Anyone else tired of Christians thinking politics has nothing to do with their faith?
Thinking as a gut type vs head type
The best character imo
I’m writing a book, and need some advice about Enneagram 8s working with other 8s
I’m writing a book, and I have a question about Enneagram 8s
E8s, working with other 8s, and what they’d have to see in someone to follow Simeon else
Bad ppl living more peaceful life than the good ones.
How many Christians actually are homophobic? Because I heard it’s something Christians are known for but the Bible says to love EVERYONE so… I wanna know like which Christians have to be homophobic.
Are y'all happy with the changes of the new Trump admin?