Has anyone seen this Chappell Roan art....
I need advice - how to make a bully stop.
I adopted this beautiful monster👹🥰
I ordered CD player online and they shipped it in an inside out box and used adult diapers as padding?
Is this normal for a cat bite or does it look infected?
I found this picture(?) in the apartment I moved into, is there any sense in this?
Millions of cats attack mcdonalds
Does anyone know what this is?????
Anyone else in this sub read webtoons?
Brother eeeew
my darling boy of 18 years lost today. I love you
Theory about 'To Be Yours'
I'm no carpenter but common sense tells me this is the reason the bottom side of my door is getting hung up. Can anyone confirm?
How difficult is it to follow blueprints ?
A real man’s saw?
Found him in covered in engine oil 2 years ago, his name is Castrol.
Should I just caulk this and call it a day?
Thinking about rigging an aerial hammock to the beam on the ceiling. Wondering if this is structural or not. Person who’s on the swing isn’t heavy
I was at the pet store and saw this Black Female cat. I am debating on adopting her.
A future star!!
Naked in manhattan!!
Small project at work. Raised garden bed
Dirts to soft guys!
Trim idea for this piping coming through the floor?