What would you change about your size?
Amount of auras
Have you ever had a seizure in public?
Can anyone share there meals
New to this journey
What do yall do after the pump?
Big Trouble In Little China
Since were posting about bottles
What time does everyone usually go
What are some positives of having epilepsy?
Happy Purple Day!
Just had a sezuire.
Has anyone self treated ? or lowered dosage without doctor approval?
It’s my cake day 🎂🎂
I am new on getting piercings need some advice.
What is it like being pregnant with epilepsy?
Is anyone here ever happy?
Would you get brain surgery if you could?
Guys who don’t last long. What do you do?
VNS device feels warm
Any older or people who has epilepsy for a long time here?
New prescription
went to a new place. It was a major success
Taking a good amount of medication 💊
Does anyone else swing wildly like this??