Your Sym wall can't save you here sweets 🤭
I abandoned drawing to focus solely on painting. Here are some works I’ve done.
This games matchmaking. You get 2 teammates playing with their feet, or you're playing vs esport pro's lvl 85
I just found out guns do damage, we need to patch that
I just found out guns do damage.I think we need to patch that
Has this happened before? is it normal
Do Jinx and Elsa lowk look alike or is my roommate tripping?
How we're looking 200 games in
Most kills I’ve ever seen in this game holy shit
ah yes, my favorite weapon from Season 5, fire ball spell
What do you play when you're not on this game, or just plain need a break?
Question about the valentines event
I can't with these downloads
This gwent game is peak
Are they all this Big!?
Before you start hating ask yourself... Ain't I clean though
So what I'm getting is... People don't like bank it
Its not about winning, its about sending a message
I didn't get the memo
they're going through it man.
these ragdolls make me feel bad
What game? (Wrong answers only)
are their bots in this game now? every single match i play i get put with these idiots
Why? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?