I’ll doodle your ocs!
New here, and I want to doodle some of your guys! will try to do as many as i can :)
Give me your ocs and I’ll draw 10 I find cool :D
I'm bored so give me your oc and I'll try to draw them with my artstyle
What is one thing you like about your OC?
I will rank your OCs on the :3 tierlist
Show me your OC with spiky teeth!
What Teto song got you like to
Type Sakuya with your eyes closed!
uh oh, looks like Nyx is a little drunk! how would your oc take care of her?
show me your sexiest OCs cause I'm bored as heck
Replace the first name of your favorite game with fuck
Celebrate the sexy/horny!!
How would your OC react to being called a monster?
So, I did this funny test. Should I be worried that I'm 85% hue hue hue?
How recognizable is your OC’s silhouette? (Read desc!)
What age does your oc often get mistaken for and what’s their actual age?
My name is DH
Giving Your OCs Voice Claims!
Who is the main inspiration for your main OC?
Post your OCs and Old Man Master Shifu Florian will give them life advice (yes, including your traumatized OCs)
Which one of your OC's has the simplest design? This is Snort the goblin
he ate your food without asking. he just ate in front of you. what will you do?
Which of your OCs has killed a man? Comment their reason/motive and let people decide whether they were justified or not⚖️!!