Why isn't this area in Australia more populated?
What would the climate of Australia be like if it had an inland sea? Could it support tens/hundreds of millions of people and would Aboriginal Australians have complex civilisations like in the Mediterranean?
Why did Duolingo replace a Chinese flag with 你好?
REPOST: Just how large Canada is? St. John's is closer to the areas within the shaded areas than it is to Vancouver.
What practical philosophies are proven to actually be the most effective at creating the 'good life'?
Can we just appreciate how aesthetically pleasing the shape of North America is when viewed on a globe?
Genuine question, how is life living in exclave/enclave?
Why is there a “Fattyslayer” County near Houston, Texas?
Could the state reemerge post-communism?
When did states first start claiming uninhabited land?
What actually was Sumer?
If you draw a line going east of Florida, it will never hit so-called "East America"
what are some interesting facts about Monaco, a place no one ever seems to talk about?
Does anyone else who uses Stake know what the deal with this is? When can I get my money without having to "upgrade"?
What would happen if everyone lived like an entrepreneur sigma grindsetter?
How long would it take to selectively breed chimps to become human-like and has it been tried before?
Why is Sinai referred to as a peninsula and not an isthmus?
Idea for a Minecraft mod/server
The smallest possible circle containing 0.1% - 100% of the world's population (Credit: Ali hussain roy good / youtube)
Finished the Italian course and just wanted to share it with someone!
Absolutely disgusted with Duolingo!
Idea for Minecraft mod
What's the deal with this? I sold some stocks and now can't access the money unless I "upgrade"?
I'm 21 and just put pretty much all my savings into these 4 ETFs. Plz tell me it was a good idea lol