They have reduced prediction gain from 150 to 100..
What the heck is this thing?
Does this look like there could be a 3rd builderbase?
What’s a card that’s got you going like this as soon as it hits the field
I destroyed a th3 as a th1
You can now write your +400 apologies below
Doug is barely a support brawler and desperately needs to be reworked into one
So something I realised. The hitboxes of the projectile can actually extends the range of the effective range. (width wider by a tile = the length of the range is longer by 0.33 tile)
A proof
Who tf are the 8K≈ people who got it wrong😭
25$ giveaway in 24hours to celebrate the launch of FarmTD, + competition!
What do you think will replace Chest keys?
Super random question: are there Spanish-speaking people in this community?
Is this true..?
This really shows you the difference between supercell games
It only took 344 games to find one
You have a chance to buff or nerf any one card of your choice. Who did you choose?
Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (1x up to $100) - Celebrating the Demo Launch of our game ChromaGun 2: Dye Hard
We want to celebrate Steam Next Fest with our upcoming Fur and Fables game with a playable demo! We are giving away a $50 Steam Gift card! 🎁
I'll buy you any steam game you choose, up to the value of $100! (+ my two previous games)
Gus and Pam’s hypercharge ability’s leaked
What do yall think about the new true gold skins? I personally love them (Credit Carnage Game)
This seasons balance changes!
$50 Steam Gift Card Giveaway by Portal Fantasy!