im going insane doing this part of glovel's mastery, could anyone give me some tips?
New update revealed
so.. what´s ur fav glove? (masteries allowed and killerfish allowed)
Far future looks fun, don't it?
which mastery should i grind next
guys rate my fort house pls
the first sbeve empire with help of baller vs the 2nd fort empire with help of moai
Fort Mastery incoming
Hear me out....
the game hastes me :( (i think im the only that i get that I HATE YOU from ten).
real quick what the fuck
name a more iconic duo than this
nah bro this is crazy (srry for no upload alchemist mastery)
I got rob mastery! (Every mastery done again) And I still don't know why clipped wings are needed...
Hacker fakes spin mastery
A noob that doesn't understand geometry tries to make a "hexa portal"
Most overpowered glove (in general not just in strength)
Worst glove design?
Name a more useless glove.
trap mastery! (ignore the last image) (gimme a idea for a glove that deserves a mastery)
Most mediocre glove (to play?)