Liberation of Undermine Heroic - Spec Popularity vs Average Overall DPS
Are we sick of seeing daemon princes yet? Anyway, here's mine.
Thoughts on my choice of Red?
An antibureaucratic populist longing for a totalitarian corporate-bureaucratic hell: My analysis of Mr. Moldbug
You're going to need more than Ibuprofen after this
Chariots in 4E
Target in Brooklyn has had it with teens! No one under 18 allowed without a parent.
Tooth art that I make 🦷
UK proposes Western peacekeeping mission of 10,000 troops in Ukraine
Jesus Christ the tits on these random female goons
Model/unit talk, day 11: Lord of Contagion
"Asilo" an upcoming "clinical horror RPG" to be crowfunded
Nice Cheetos by:@Posseposs99 (Momoi)
Digimon is following PokemonTCGP? Incoming New TCG title for Digimon
A gentle introduction to Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle
Why stormlight is so divisive
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
The FEC creed
Skyrim has fallen [OC]
Karanak Gone?
Got a FEC tattoo. Done by Kenny at High Hands Tattoos in ABQ NM
Just let it go Junko, the local buzzards are already on it by:Chroong (Sensei, Miyu, Junko, Hasumi, Izumi)
Where are you taking her on your date?
Top Three AoS Lists for The Big Bristol Brawl Winter GT - Woehammer
I’m traumatized. I’m not sure if I still wanna keep reading this.