nebula armor 2025 vs some other year, 2024 probably, i don't know
Just unsubbed from shitliberalssay
I think Bender might be telling the truth
for some reason this happened in the middle of a ranked match to everyone
The best Waifu
Who would win ? Fukami vs Jack Sparrow
Class tier list!
So exactly how old is Bender. Considering the numerous times he went back in time and had to stay?
I have hired this goober to stare at you
Do we do 1k flairs?
This your goat?
What does Hol Horse's search history look like?
I am Toeny, the foot soldier.
So is the game like dead now
2 signatures down.
coaxed into game balance
Which Futurama Character deserves a spin-off???
Hi, I'm Craterface. Welcome to Luna Park, I'll have to confiscate your alcohol sir.
Colette cosplay by イケイケ!蒟蒻倶楽部
coaxed into every TV show
Whose stand is this?
What do you hate about playing with random?
v1.791 Update log