I've worked out at 158 Planet Fitnesses ... so far! Here's just a few of them.
Survivor 48 | E3 | Eastern Time Discussion
Who are some celebrities that you know are fans of survivor?
Survivor 48 | E1 | Eastern Time Discussion
What do you guys think of Dream Park Story?
Who’s your winner pick?
Would you prefer 3 twelve hour shifts or 5 8’s?
favorite kairosoft game?
Teeny and Gabe dating??
Survivor 47 | E14 Finale | Eastern Time Discussion
Survivor 47 | E13 | Post-Episode Discussion
Survivor 47 | E13 | Eastern Time Discussion
Survivor 47 | E12 | Eastern Time Discussion
Parade Interview with Kyle
Survivor 47 | E11 | Eastern Time Discussion
Survivor 47 | E10 | Eastern Time Discussion
Is My Season 50 Dream Cast Good or Bad?
Updated listing for Survivor 47 watch parties
Survivor 47 | E5 | Post-Episode Discussion
Well looks like I'm switching to a melee build !
________ were robbed
What is the most “rewatchable” TV series?
That's old.
I saw someone say that Jacob looks like the human Shrek now I can't unsee it😭
what did you think about Kaitlyn?