This “over the shoulder” view is absolutely brutal. This is what people see when I’m sitting down and they’re standing next to me, my self esteem got absolutely seeing this.
Why is gyno surgery recovery so much more intensive than other surgeries?
Is gland removal under local anesthesia safe? Am I wrong to be scared even though it seems simple?
I started early and my hair loss still progressed…feeling hopeless
There are literally hairs all over every place I spend any amount of time
A year on finasteride—Am I a non-responder?
One year on finasteride—Am I making progress or am I a non-responder?
A year on finasteride—does my crown look any better? (Same lighting and location)
Should I get surgery?
Scalp DHT levels by region of scalp—have any studies measured this?
Both nipples are puffy, only one has a painful, hard gland. What causes puffiness without a gland? Would both need surgery?
Is standard dose Dutasteride overrated? After 6 months, users’ self assessment of their own hair was no more positive than the self assessment of patients taking placebo pills.
Nothing is working, my bald spot won’t stop growing
Is this the end? Duta seems not to be working
“It gets worse before it gets better”—can anyone show any examples of this? Almost everyone that responds seems to get better right away with no “below baseline” period.
Finasteride failed to stop my balding—1 year update
I want my hair back so badly bros
11 months on finasteride update: Crown bald spot appears slightly larger
11 months on finasteride, crown bald spot is growing larger, getting very hopeless
Being a non-responder is so depressing
Reminder: A NW2-3 or high hairline wasn’t considered “bald” or “cooked” until like 3 years ago
Does your hair also look depressingly awful under fluorescent lights?