What’s your commute time?
I wonder why Zara is sick
Recovered, you can ask me anything!
My blood test results came back normal…
This was bound to happen eventually
I only see calories at this point
How to avoid blindness.
....does anyone else feel like fitbits and other step/calorie counter devices make ED thoughts a lot worse ??
Because only underweight people have eating disorders, duh!
From Insta, to TikTok, here are my ratings!
There’s only 2 eating disorders! Gluttony and Bulimia! I don’t make the rules!
I’m just a girl 🌸
I love Veggiesandchocolate !!
What to eat?
Your favourite niche musicals?
A moment of self compassion
What songs do feel are eating disorder coded?!
Seeking Transitional Living for ED & Trauma with 24/7 Support
Gouache on paper, 9x12 in. What do you think?
My whole body is swollen
I just ate 90 grams of sugar
Is slug dining even accurate
What could be happening?!