Yoko Ono, she's at it again
Leprechaun gooner
Dad was attacked by this kid last night at A&W
Outfit of the Day
Conor McGregor holding a press conference in the White House.
Remember when 'free speech warrior' Jordan Peterson casually floated the idea that atheists like Richard Dawkins should be oppressed?
Pierre Poilievre with Jeremy MacKenzie, the founder of the far-alt right, neonazi terrorist group Diagolon
Poll finds Albertans' sense of Canadian pride dips as it soars in most parts of the country
Pro Trump Canadians gonna hate.
You'd think Trump would be good at golf with all the time he spends playing it and not actually working
Wedding ring is back on and she’s making sure we see it. Buddawlso, white hair? God give her a break already.
No ring on March 4th while taking a selfie….. in a public toilet
Let the conservative hate machine begin
Wasted guy already injured, throws a fuck and gets a find out.
Why is he sooooo invested in getting Canada to become the 51st state?
Albertan conservatives playing the victim as usual
Baby sitting botox
Not scary at all. The more you scratch at the UCP, the more MAGA you find.
What has our province come to...
Home invader messed with the wrong ray pest
Grande Prairie Councillor Chris Thiessen cozying up to far-right conspiracy activist Maggie Hope Braun, who promotes UN ‘takeover’ theories and was involved in the extremist-linked convoy protest
Albertans are taking a stand! Join the rally to demand better from Danielle Smith and Rick Wilson!
A vote for PP is a vote for Musk
Tariff This!