Guys what should my first extreme be? I beat Leyak as my first insane but I want to jump to extreme demon (classic mode only)
Gimme famous gd quotes from players
Name 3 things Vortrox absolutely hates
What is the name of the song used in this preview of akunakun's upcoming level?
whoever designed 30/3/2 set 2 FUCK U 🤡
Is jumping from stalemate to acu good
Jump from Nine Circles to Kenos
So what's your favorite official level and the answers will be turned into a pie chart(check desc)
abomination in ultra Violence
Thoughts on Sidestep?
What is a level that is easier than it looks?
I just made this game, what should I call it ?
What game is this? (WRONG ANSWERS ONLY)
What game did you think bro played?
Did Zack deserve better?
what do I beat after ispy?
Was playing artificial ascent and found this familiar sight
Gimme some INCREDIBLY shitty gd takes you've heard.
day 6 of jumping to sonic wave from craZy, i told the mods in this subreddit that if i dont beat this before 2026 i will get banned and mass reported for nudity...
tf you mean by that
If you already beat Nine Circles, how many attemps did it take you?
Good job dj-nate
Best GD Level??
What's a phrase only this fandom knows the context behind?
Who is the best music artist popular by geometry dash in your opinion?