Whats your favorite Blame quote?
the penguins won! who is a *mostly well-liked side character*?
The Amazing Digital Goobers
I would watch every SML video with my brother the day it came out and they drop this the second he moved out
The numbers are increasing
today's my 14th birthday sooooo
Which song?
Rate my collection (1-10)
No fucking way
My predictions
Most underrated pig?
Angry birds movie 3 concept plot
List their names WITHOUT googling them.
Is this impressive?
Why wasn’t Birds on the run finished?
Angry Birds Classic Birds Elimination Game Day 3: Vote out your least favoruite bird! Matilda got out last time.
Most forgettable character?
What Birds/Pigs would harness the power of each DC lantern Corp (might draw later)
I need a fitting group of characters that I can draw as the lantern corps
I need a group of characters that I can draw as lantern corps (I’ve been thinking for 5 hours)
[Angry Birds]
What are your Angry Birds Hot Takes?
Do I answer?
You heard him