Another NPD: Octa Psi:
It’s true and you know it.
I’m going to buy 4x Samsung 40t for my hammer of god XL what is the lowest you recommend building on it? I barely find info on the battery’s performance in a para series configuration. Assuming it affects the draw and or internal resistance.
This shit is sad and people wonder why the industry is shit
Kids (1995) directed by Larry Clark
Flanger volume increase
Drove 30 miles no problem, stopped at a truck stop to use the bathroom for 10 minutes, and making a right hand turn onto the highway ramp my trailer came off the 5th wheel.
I like onions
They want kids malnourished because it lowers their IQs. They are trying to breed the next generation of their dumb worker cattle.
I’m sure you’re aware, but in case you aren’t - Godins bat wayyy out of their league.
Seriously, get a CB
“Didn’t know this would trigger so many folks – I'm here for it”: Cory Wong slams guitarists who can't play every note on command
Help with stereo rig (Four Amps!?)
Benson thermal bias
What is your least favorite (common) guitar pedal effect?
Is this a real Walrus Pedal?
Looking for a synth pedal with good tracking
The only economic theory that consistently fails: Trickle Down Economics.
What's the loudest Rat-style pedal that doesn't sag?
My R7's Wiring is Neither '50s Wiring' nor 'Modern Wiring'
Bought this today. Why is it so cheap?
Onion Jam?
Has anyone took ibogain with prior heart condition like endocarditis and survived.
I propose that we stop measuring experience by how many miles or years we've driven.
The Grand Canyon, AZ.