How I feel after watching all three seasons.
When someone says "Asura," I imagine him.
Isshin Kurosaki (The best dad?)
Yuki on bed
What anime couple fits this image?
I think it's between Urahara and Kyoraku.
Any recommendations?
Show me a cuter pout, you can’t
the ship sunk
seris vritra is a baddie
Or you're just a simp. Hardly any in-betweens
Does Asuna deserve the hate?
How strong is Agrona Vritra?
Early TBATE was targeting a specific fanbase. Glad it turned out great later on.
Why does everyone hate Tess so much?
Thoughts on Seris?
Who is this for you?
Forget best form, what is ichigo best normal looks?
Ruby's expression clock when she is with Aqua~
What are your hot takes on Aizen?
It's just practice nothing more, okay?
Which Sylvia artstyle do you prefer? I would have preferred anime style it it wasn't for the vfx.