Times have changed...
How old am I based on my top 10 ish
RDR2 ruined gaming for me.
Where does GTA 6 rank among the greatest human accomplishments?
Anyone else think this area in the prison felt like a glimpse of the cult?
If you’re tunneling at 5 gens, I’m going next. (Soloq)
Saints Row had to die because "athe days of throwing money at games other than GTAs of the world is over"
AITA for leaving my boyfriend after finding a woman in our bed?
These penguins were stuck in a dip and were freezing to death, so this BBC Crew broke the rules stating they can't interfere to save them
What made you pause the game or quit when playing silent hill 2 remake?
Actors Who Were Everywhere… Until They Weren’t
Such a pathetic response from fragpunk definetly made sure i wont play that game now
Sigh... True Story
Just got a PS5. What are your favourite games?
Shimizu Hinako, the protagonist of Silent Hill f, is the series youngest protagonist at around 13/14/15 years old.
Content creators ruin this game
Looking for the grindiest multiplayer game to lose myself in
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
What does He have planned for us?
Did Sunderland find himself with "note to self" SH2 remake?
What was your MySpace song?
Skinny fat
RE2MAKE or RE7 for the first timer?
One thing I hope we don’t lose from RDR2- the moments of quiet and calm.
Horizon Forbidden West, God Of War, Uncharted 4, or Ghost of Tsushima?