It doesn't even matter if you're a passoid in Australia, you will still be abused TCDTCDTCDTCD
this is not entirely trans related but does anyone here have "rejection sensitivity dysphoria" and if so do you know how to cope
Will there ever be something made for trans people and not cis people
I don't think my counselor for my gender dysphoria is helping much
It the internet real
I gave up any interest in modern war history
How do I deal with the fact even if I voice train every cis person will still see me as tranny because my big adams apple
Even if I voice trained will my big ass adams apple clock me to all cis people?
Mods Could we please add censoring to any post with Twitter tag
For thos that can’t go outside how do you get groceries?
How the fuck do you cope with inverted triangle in summer
ADHD effects weight how do avoid losing weight?
What difference did adhd meds do?
R/4transbdd is officially out
Do boobs ever round out?
What to do if being perceived male is the only reason you don’t want a second job
What the fuck do you do about big fucking adams apple
Is any legitimate way to make money though porn?
I’m giving up this manga and am now sad
Anyone else hate their sexuality because straight trannies just knew they were supposed to be girls at 4
I will be making 4transbdd sub
I’m a ivf baby
Anyone remember pools and the beach
All chapters randomly disappear