If you could erase one main character from the series who would it be?
What are your thoughts on Laurel?
Last podcast
Most attractive black men in your opinion
Build a team of 4 (2 men & 2 women) with a $9 budget
Nose job friend
Kristen really is about it 😭
Who else was told that you are just "too sensitive" or "too emotional"
What’s your BIGGEST insecurity?
Should I start watching the challenge?
Throwback Wiintrr Photos
Help with flight attendant resume
Winter Lore
What traumatised you as a kid with unrestricted internet access?
what makes you feel like this in greys anatomy
what’s the one take about the show that would put you in this situation?
AA apps open again!
wtf is wrong with bailey in s13??
Unpopular opinion: these two should have slept together
Where would you sit?
Deleted last episode
which one of meredith’s love interests do you have heart eyes for?
Saw this on another sub. Is Meredith disliked? Or is the verdict different between casual watchers and people like us?