Beaker You Choose
standard or goldendoodle?
Anyone else find it easier with more notes?
Day 5: Which book has the best parent?
What is a song or artist you are glad Beatstar introducted you to/allowed to grow on you?
One Blade Fits All?
Day 4: Which book has the cruelest twist of fate?
Following my previous post, my next deluxe pull! I literally said "Gimme Chocolate" as the box opened and bam!
Does anyone else sometimes just refer to all shows in the franchise as 'Tracy Beaker'?
On the flipside of the previous debate... loveliest character from Jacqueline Wilson books? :)
Random idea for UK sufferers
The most horrible Jacqueline Wilson character?
Dais' response to feedback about the deluxe change
Let's make some sequel concepts for JW books we DON'T usually think would/should have one (for fun!)
How would you feel if JW did an adult Tracy Beaker from Tracy's perspective?
Favourite, indifferent and least favourite protagonists?
For the sequel talk—do you prefer full sequels, or future versions of the characters appearing in unrelated books (ie Ruby and Garnet in Butterfly Club)?
What do you guys think 🤔 of The New The Dumping Ground Title I think 🤔 it is rubbish I wish they go ride of This New The Dumping Ground Title and stay with old Title because The Old The Dumping Ground Title with Mike and May - Li is better then New One
Does my poodle cut look ok?
What color are my boys?
Who miss This Dumping Ground Title and wish they keep This Title instead have a rubbish New Title because The Dumping Ground is not the same anymore without This Title and The Cartoons and Mike and Tyler and Jody and May -Li and Ogs
Is this an episode or have I dreamt it?
My Mum Tracy Beaker - Discussion Thread
Is my handwriting really that bad??