Elon Musk in parallel universe
"You think destroying my body will stop me!?"
What is up with that one Voyager episode where the doctor's sanity is left unresolved?
Completions suddenly stopped working in IntelliJ?
If you have 100 of something, you can exchange it for a generator of it at the rate of 1/day
Are Federation school children taught to hide under their decks during alien attacks?
Everyone has access
My fancy little shower curtain person
In all seriousness, I am against the death penalty but why are they not using Helium?
Rusty Thomas
Water dress
Stripped-fish-taking-off soap stain?
Did no one in IT try to get captains to use stronger passwords or MFA?
Where do they keep Moriarty's simulated universe box?
So, what I'm hearing is I should use tech support as a dating service? They waste my time so I should be allowed to waste theirs!
Cloaking Device
Is there more than one Star Fleet Academy, or is San Francisco just one big university town now?
You are tasked to prepare food for a banquet of Klingons, but it must be same as the most recent meal you actually ate. How screwed are you?
Did Voyager ever figure out why most aliens in the delta quadrant had weird hair?
You have to be patient if you're my bf ..lol
Just finished season 2 and now have a void… Any recommendations of what to watch next?
Carpet design looks like a teddy bear packing heat
Why don't we have little flaps on our ears which we can close when exposed to loud noises?
The new systems make this the least fun season so far especially for the team trying to come back
This directory is terrible. How the hell do I get to Wetzel's Pretzels from Engineering? Is it closer to sickbay or Macy's?