Done two days ago with prep and what I thought was everything right, please help!
Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here
Missing the plot of movies growing up
Upper body leaned out like crazy
Meals for picky eaters with sensory food issues and needing lots of food variation?
How have you been able to eat healthier, less processed food?
Question about Kelly Matthews program on ladder app
Need to understand what’s going on with my hair. Stress-induced frayed ends
Symptoms right after ovulation. Irritability and body dysmorphia
My boss complains about my WFH accommodation at every meeting
Weird swelling
Low calcium?
Why does Adderall XR make me so hungry?
Hip Thrusts question
Anyone else feeling a lack of motivation or ability after getting the latest Covid strain this summer?
Difference Cefaly and TENS Unit
Hi ladies! Tips to grow the back middle of my glutes, and how to make glutes more lifted at the bottom? I fear they look droopy. I circled both areas, thanks
How can I play my entire library?
Make me feel better what’s the worst things you have lost due to ADHD
Daily Simple Questions Thread
Do you dress your age?
I’m afraid of my thoughts. I’m worried about how I will handle them when microdosing
Insane allergies in the gym
How should I deal with creepy men at the gym? Vent and advice needed