SwiftUI Background Blur
Reflecting pool
ChatGPT Voice Mode Shader (SwiftUI / Metal)
SwiftUI Audio Mixer / Sampler
Dynamic SwiftUI Shaders - Compile Metal in Real Time - On Device
Audio Sample Mixer / Player
Playing with UI for Editing Posts - SwiftUI - (with guide)
Playing with some UI for creating posts in my SwiftUI social media app.
Beta Access Request Thread
Building SwiftUI Apps in JSON and sharing with App Clip Codes / Links
Prototype and share native apps without App Store, MacBook, or Apple Developer Account using App Clips
I built a way to prototype and share native apps without App Store Review, MacBook, or Apple Developer Account using App Clips
Detecting SwiftUI drag Began event
addicted to making apps
What do you think of my screenshots?
Should I open source my SwiftUI Project?
Theme-able UI in SwiftUI Apps
Any Website to Native App - SwiftUI
Ephemeral Apps - An App to Build Apps
SDXL models are now far superior to SD1.5 in quality.
How would you make such custom dash in Swift UI?
Consistent ID Headshots from 5 Pics
Consistent ID Headshots from 5 pics
Infinite Canvas Image/Meme App (SwiftUI) Persisted State
iOS Home Screen Auto-Layout - SwiftUI