Ordinary or bad fonts and typography on pop album covers
Black Country, New Road - Happy Birthday
This looks fun! I love when queens from both series crossover 😈
[giveaway] I’m quitting because I kinda hate 95% of the community on Soundmap at this point (I’m sure the people seeing this are cool though haha). So I’ll do what I see other people doing and giveaway my coins and songs. 🫡
S17E02 - “Drag Queens Got Talent - Part 2” [Post-Episode Discussion]
Can other players claim shiny’s on my map?
GeminiTay is the cutest ever
These people freak me out
I think I'm not gonna get this platinum badge
The Most Misunderstood Album of 2024
Boulet Brothers' Dragula Season 666 | EPISODE SEVEN DISCUSSION POST
Since we're not playing Wordle...
App similiar to BeReal anyone want to try?
The JOJOLands - Chapter 15
now I want toby to release an audiobook of deltarune
outjerked by jojo's subreddit
A silly little game: Choose two specific characters to make a Gappy-style fusion and say what it personality and Stand abilities would be
Which Jojo character are you sure would be the first to get banned from Twitter, if they had an account, and why?
thoughts ?!?
What's the saddest death/moment in jojos?
Daily Discussion - July 24, 2023
Am I the only one who thinks the pets are disappointing?
Do you have random parts of a song that you mumble randomly and by yourself?