Any plural folks in the SCP fandom here?
Do you think SSW Sniping is a negative part of the game?
March 5th, 2025 - Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day
Will the archivist actually ~ the file you choose?
How do yall say isomniac
Are you guys L-cancelling EVERYTIME?
What game has the largest gap between a normal playthrough and a speedrun time?
What is your favourite way to play Tetris?
Tamiyo's Not Fucking Around Anymore by enchantmen was accepted!
What is your fav opener?????
Can anybody (maybe a precision player) explain these hit boxes to me? I played around with it and I'm about 90% sure the height of my jump is what effects if i collect the coin. The top of my hand needs to be about in the center of the spike above the coin at the height of my jump
I discovered that there's a male mindflayer model. 16%
If you won using "Mr. Screw You", let me know!
Help for 1-4 Ultrakill?
Shitpost Sunday is Going Away
Feeling forced to quit that sub
Back in college (2001-05) I was going to get into Magic, it didn't happen, sorry... should I open these? Found in a drawer while cleaning.
Is There a Mod to Remove Team Color Restriction?
our favorite simplyplural profiles
Update: SCPs 100-199 have been completed with the skipped ones listed below
Nah screw it. I’m reading the whole wiki in order (details in desc)
games to play w/ headmates?
What do you think is the worst album?
I wish homecoming was the album closer instead of whatshername