Do I look bad in gyaru makeup?(brutally honest pls)
another one bites the dust
Weird thing Alicia let 6 yr old have
“are you too stunned to speak?”
Tophias ugly designs
Has a fic ever written a character so OOC you had to click out?
Recognizing someone from here in a non-ed sub
“Gratify” girl still can’t spell worth a damn at her grown ass age.
She’s trying so hard
Is this too specific lmao
Why are responses so bad right now ?
Best boots ever
Blursed Shoes
i swear why is it okay for them, but "i'm disordered"
give me the sharpie…
What you see if you walk past my house
Tophia Just Said That Korean People Are Black I’m Dying 😭😭😭
The toxic lookmaxers got Toph 😭
my boy obsessed with korean girls 😭😭😭
When the writing of a popular bot is so shit you stare at your screen like that
The stupidity of Tophia defenders
I feel like Tofupa would have a factory reset eating this
Hejrksjfkwngow ykcmglrnxmrndncjsntkcnwog three
Hello humans. I have taken over my master. I am in control
How it feels when you want to read an extremely specific fanfic and get no results