SPOILER ALERT - Fun fact (at least for me): One of the best episodes of the Season 6 "Flu Season 2" (the one where Leslie finds out she's pregnant) was directed by Nick Offerman. (our beloved Ron Swanson, of course)
"Hey Ron, can I ask you kind of an important question? You know like, when you go to the ATM and you get money is there an actual guy standing behind the wall who slides dollar bills in there?" Ron: No. Andy: "Yeah, it's robots" *falls face down and brokes his tooth seconds later*
"French" Mitchell always makes me laugh. After he puts this outfit he instantaneously turns into a french guy. He doesn't say one word in french but he knows he's in
Just finished this masterpiece
what’s through here?
Common consensus: Pepper, aka Nathan Lane, is the top guest actor in the series.
That’s Philip Dunphy
Leslie: GUYS, GET IN HERE, RON HAS A BABY!!!!!! Andy: "Oh Ron, cool baby" - the way Chris delivers the line is just so Andy. perfect
What Is That One Episode No Matter How Much Time You Rewatch You Will Never Skip.
Can I ask if this entire establishment is a practical joke of some kind?
That'll be a thousand dollars please
"Iḿ sorry Gloria, no one calls my wife loose. In her day, did she enjoy the company of a few men? Sure! Is hard to leave the house without running into one of her ex-lovers? Depends on what city we're in!" - it's settled, Phil's lines are the best.
I wish we could've seen more of that relation in the show. Probably would be better to see Donnie and Jay than Cam and Pam, even tho I like them as well. Btw, after his only apperance in the 2nd season I think Donnie is not even mentioned anymore...
The family vs their nemesis (last image just for giggles)
If Jay married Sonia instead of Gloria what would happen??
Make comments look like his search history.
Second place: "Do you know what it means to "clap back", Raymond? Be-cause-I-do." Onto E!
Out of every person you can remember on modern family, which fits this best?
"That's too much information." - MAN
When Naruto meets Kushina in the battle against Kyuubi and talk for the first and last time with his mother it takes my breath away. It's true love, beautiful but fleeting, sad, painfull, and yet satisfying... because Naruto meets his mom. - Give love to your mother, rn.They ain't gonna live forever
I ve made a new Obito mask. What do you think? Is it too dirty?
"why is there no hole in this wall?" - "btw on another note my eye is bugging me, but I will respond after I come back from my walk."
What a family.
Is it just me or Crazy Craig looks like and older brother of Jim Halpert? something to think about
A comment I saw pretty much everywhere after last weeks “Severance” episode. (Spoilers just in case)
Followed by a "yneahhhhh" many of us can hear just by reading that 😂