In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
The longer you look at this, the worse it gets
My local town's shopping center in the early '00s. A lot less SUVs. What cars do you see?
Knowing what you know today, would you change anything about your younger years?
what does uncle ruckus drive?
I love the fact that people that have never driven our vehicles design our vehicles..
Are there any Podcasts/YouTube Reviews this season?
With Kenworth discontinuing the W900 & C500. This is what we’re replacing it with.
Thank the gods for yard dogs
Looks like more classics might be history
Sad news for all the W900 lovers out there :( I guess soon, we will be buying W900 from a second hand market too then.
Didn’t know ships take DEF now
Best mountain map in ATS?
Which one do you prefer? Teal or Wine?
Seriously, get a CB
The Amazing Race S37E02 Live Discussion Thread
Never laughed so much
Let's see who knows
Who drives this? F250 with a semi cab
What DLC should I get next? I’ve got Scandinavian,beyond the Baltic, going east and Greece
Favorite engine sound?
Someone hit a 16'9" bridge in NM at 75mph
The best grand tour you can think of