Guys why the leader of the clan ignoring me and won't let me participate in wars?
Question: should I get the center of my stomach piece blacked out?
Future CheatEngine alternative on Linux - Help wanted from Python/C++ developers
3 years ago this panel shook the world!!!
I started playing on the new map Astraeos today, is it normal for the map to be filled with these snowy rocks? They are everywhere in almost every biome
Our co-leader is going through it
What is the biggest OG struggle, I’ll start
Keep your training time...
Almost there...
Stop it already.
Should I not use all builders at the same time at Th17?
How should I attack this base ?
Did not get bonus 200 pts
Mid off is insane 😭
How do you collect resources with a boat design like this? Seems inefficient.
is this good loot?
Genuinely curious is a screen protector necessary?
Is an 800dpi .135 sensitivity low... ?
So much easier bro 😭
School logic
Can someone explain why Phoenix's main body was transported back to where he got ulted by Iso?
just spent $150 to max these 3, do you think it was worth it?
My 3 favorite Animals in ark
Eating Competition: Who's Winning?