This woman really thinks she’s an influencer 😭
Tophia’s story talking about what’s going on, talking about jasmine, tanjihoe, and arguing with everybody
Let me add my 2 cents..
I think tophia is damaged from the start
The internet has helped tophia but she always misuses this help.
What’s the thing you love most about Sofia ? What made you truly fall in love with her ?
Tophia is evil
The blush makes you look cute John 💕
Attention White People. Tophia doesn’t like you. White people please don’t donate.
Papachu was released yesterday.
Had she just been quiet
Addressing some stuff
it took donald jr dying for her to even care about her mom
Tophia admitted that Donald JR paid all the bills?! Even though while he was alive she said that she made hundreds on TT?
Tophia’s story talking about what happened, blaming people for getting kicked out of previous motels, and more
Tophia’s TikTok responding to someone saying that Marie should go to a nursing home
Do you ever cook for Sofia, like as a special treat and if you do what do you make and if you don’t do you even love her ?
Why was Sofia making this face today ?
Making some Zelda pins
My input
Do you remember the context of this ?
I looked outside and this was the blood moon!
2 of tophs instagram stories (I think the sympathy is getting to her head)
Tophia’s most recent post