[0 YoE, Unemployed, Software Engineer, Pakistan]
Sick of the crime here and want to make a database.. is it legal
[6 YoE, Unemployed,Software Developer, United States]
[0 YoE, Software Engineer Intern, Software Engineer or Developer, United States]
[0 YoE, Unemployed, Cybersecurity expert, UAE]
[0 YoE, Meat Clerk, Software Engineer, United States]
Advice on whether to complete take home project
Can a job application ask if I received a SUSI grant in university?
Amazon Phone interview new grad (sde 1) response Dublin
Pedestrian dies in Carlow collision
MEGATHREAD - General Election Counts
The Green Party will deliver every single major public transport project in their term.
This Debate is Shocking
Ryanair to scrap paper boarding passes
What is up with all the DAA and passenger cap news?
Breakfast @ Dublin Airport
What do ye think of this as a deterrent ?
AMA Irish Rail Director of Capital Investments
Live AMA thread with Grace O'Sullivan, Green MEP for Ireland South