It wasn’t bad at all
Rolling like it’s Tora Bora
[WTS] surplus colt, diemaco, FN upper receivers. M4, A1, A2
Return of the 10
Carry handle rail mount
GUU-5/P Clone with Armson sight from the range Wednesday
3 weeks in, first hog.
Czech Air Force "Alien tiger" MI-24V Hind Gunship painted for NATO tiger meet
(My) Holy Grail
I see your shotgun and raise you Ruger mk4
Final Box Art for the Australian release of iCarly - The Collection.
Cats like boxes.
[WTB] Genuine Colt Tear Drop Forward Assist
Colt Grey Upper PK
Garage sale finds
First time seeing this live version of Ava Adore... dare I say I like it more than the album version? It rocks; love D'arcy's backing vocals too.
Finally took my NV NCR Service Rifle to the range!
my first airsoft rifle :D
Cursed Musket
Can we get much higher? 🎵
1st SFG CIF, Philippines, 2000
My late grandfather, 21 at the time, hated having his picture taken. Hence, the defiant drag of a cigarette. Vienna, mid 1950s.
Matt Pranka’s Primary (Over the years)
“Alright take the photo now Greg, I’m not shitting around!”
Matt Pranka’s Primary (Over the Years)