Got called a cheater for this
Yorihime gaming
The Pets of Gensokyo
ALCOHOLISM (do not try at home)
Requests Hub
The two most Obscure Touhou characters: the oekaki girls
Anyone regularly play the vienna as black?
where can i learn more about Touhou and its story?
Mannakuya joins the group
So this is the community that thinks this is brainrot
Cured to death
Sprite of Maeriberii's Lossy!
Would you let her steal the precious thing for 10 mushrooms (da ze)
What flag is this?
If you move to Gensokyo, where will you live?
Weird incident... Not that I complain
Wane getzky
Drake the type of pick-up artist who say "you're not a female... you're a dream-male"
Drake the type of mixed-race marty to stand between two armies about to fight each other and shout “Stop! Don’t you see?! I am living proof that our people can co-exist!”
We can all agree that the music is banging
Yakumo Yukari Announcing the Founding of Gensoukyou
Get funky’d
The Asian