The Anime made Goku look like an asshole for stuffing his face while Videl was in critical condition
Are we talking about how Nappa wanted to commit mass raping?
If Goku and Goku Black fuck,is it selfcest?
Who Wins?
You’re one to talk, guy
Where do you rank this fight considering the set-up, context and everything that happens in it?
What order do I watch?? Hi
‘Dragon Ball Z’ Remake Is Possible, Says Series Character Designer
He's still good right
Beating a dead horse but he's been so frustrating to try and use for the new missions, rather stay in Uub mode forever than transform to Full Power. That 6th good Giant Ape Power unit can't come soon enough 🤧🤧🤧
Which would be better to coin, kaioken goku or gohan?
The 10th anniversary crusade: Buu Duo’s 99,999,999 bomb vs every single boss
Correct me if I'm wrong but this is the only time where Goku is being socially nervous lmao, Bro didn't want any of it.
Dragon Ball Daima - Episode #20 - Discussion Thread!
Ranking boss mechanics by how frequently you die to them
Are they hinting towards a possible Moro anime arc?
What sort of shit were they smoking bro
What is Gomah saying here? (wrong answers only)
DBD episode 19 imdb
Am i trippin or are they actually good in the new content?
Okay, Daima is Peak. But theres one person they really let down. Is this really all there is for Toriyamas Favorite Character in his very last work?
Would it have been better this way?
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 19 - "Betrayal" - Discussion Thread
Bro already aura farming.
(DAIMA SPOILERS) How would you feel if these two are for Golden Week?