Protests at University Village Tesla Dealership
I’m not mad, I’m disappointed
A few dead kids is all it takes to go full circle
Is our current form of government / society sustainable?
PSA: Remember to keep your chat muted for all your rank games
Is Riot planning to do something about bots in games? It's not the reason I'm not ranking up, but I often have these kinds of deranking bots in my low Elo games.
What could I have done better?
Hecarim in low elo
For anyone who think they can’t climb with Hecarim, just know that rank 1 Korea is essentially a Hecarim OTP
Why Is No One On This SubReddit Asking About The Trillions of Misspent Federal Dollars?
My MAGA sister owns a small business and hope that Trump will help the Economy once he’s elected. I gave up convincing her otherwise and gave her my prediction which dates back to November of last year
Has Trump done anything about the bird flu yet?
How do you feel about the administration trying to dismantle the IRS when that agency brings in over 400 times the amount it cost to operate?
Office vibes on week 2 seem a lot better than in week 1
Fox supporters are in meltdown after Trump illegally freezes federal funding
Ben Shapiro’s viewer dared him to re-enact Musk’s gesture after Ben tried to normalized it
ICE is already here in Washington State
DJT realized he can’t imposes tariff without consequences
Experience one if those unicorn game where I countered gank bot twice and killed everyone, and made the jungler rage quit sub 6 minutes and surrendered at 8 minute. Doesn’t happen often but a welcome one
Collection since Black Friday
A time traveler gets stuck in the world’s weirdest game of “Guess Who” and finds out the answer is always themselves. Also, somehow they’re their own mom, dad, and worst ex.
This clown uses his first amendment to make sexist remarks online and then unsuccessfully filed a police report when someone practice their rights