I may have goofed up a little bit...
When was this added
Don't know how I got two LF's on these ticket summons 💀💀.
Insane clutch 1v3 with T3
LF Ultra Vegeta 1's Kit
Man is playing from outer space lmao
Thanks to the tournament of powers crystals ❤️
Show me your best screen?
So apparently you can’t upload screenshots of your game basically (this rule’s so frocking dumb bruh why 😭😡)
OG 5 Years FTP saying goodbye (no rant) (big yapp)
I just don't understand... why??
Are you serious?
Bought this guy on discount today and jesus Christ he is owerpowered
If each anime had to get a new ultra who would be it
Ultra Perfect Cell Manga Ver. - "YOU AND THIS ENTIRE META ARE DONE FOR!!!"
GOAT Luck🙏
Lol my special summon technique 😭😭😭😭only 2k in im in tears
One of the many reasons why I summoned for Cell
Alright who designed this?
UL cell stats and f2p cell kit. Only one armour break card :(
It's real
Isn't AGL Gogeta supposed to be immune to negative effects?
Holy shit, TEQ Broly!