Recommendations for maternity dresses without import fees/taxes [on]
Diaper bag that isn’t a backpack [ns]
What’s the most unhinged thing someone did or said to you PostPartum?
Cabins near Halifax
Would like to recommend this book as well! Great as a FTM with complex family trauma
How to break the news to my TFMR support group?
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Ovulation after TFMR
What do you do when your so fatigued you can't do normal stuff but you also can't actually sleep cause hormones?
Nursing recliner recommendations [ON]
Do Better, Sephora. "Birthday Gift" leftovers at the end of the year are a JOKE
Weekly Thread | Feel Good Friday
Best Cinnamon Buns?
Amniocentesis anxiety
First trimester prenatals [on]
Regretting trying so soon
What to expect post-TFMR symptoms wise?
Anyone else less sick in their sub pregnancy?
Seeking support after awful specialist experience for Trisomy 21
What is your favourite girl name at the moment?
Give me a male OR female first name, and I'll tell you what I imagine a person with that name to be like!
Is this what I think it is?!
Anyone else have a chunky ring?
Looking for CINQ LA bridal dress
1 year update on our first home!