she’s working overtime
What spirit or liqueur would you pull from all bars everywhere that only annoying patrons drink?
Meteora Logo 3D Print
Got extensions, but the color doesn’t blend well. How can I fix it?
What does my beer cellar say about me.
Prepping lithops for pollination
What breeds do you think my lil peanut is?
Tried confetti cupcake for the first time
This is going to complicate the brew day 😬
The cig in my beanie barely moved
Lots of folks at the Jackson Federal Building
Current physique
"Quick" leg day with Ally.
Yearly birthday bottle share
Message I received from my cousin who works in government
Ok ,Seattle, now you’re just showing off
Just Simply: Jerk
My date cancelled 2 hrs before we were supposed to meet
Bought some new comics today :D
What objectively shitty closed business/restaurant do you miss most?
Methods to Stop Biting?
So much love...
I had a startling admission tonight
What a waste glad I could save from landfill
First time making brownies!!!