Doctors who are shorter in height especially males: has your height ever been a disadvantage to you in your personal and professional life as a medico?
First Trip to Vizag! Need Travel Suggestions
Do medicos actually experience hair loss and thinning at an earlier age owing to rough work hours and high study load?
Vishakhapatnam tour guide
How can I force myself to study? I have only 3-4 months left until my exam, but I keep delaying it, telling myself I’ll start tomorrow. I know each wasted day increases my chances of failure and risks wasting a whole year. Please help me break out of this cycle.
Gender bias in household
Scientists Discover Mice Using CPR Like Techniques
Am I really stupid for wanting to pursue physiotherapy even though I have an option to get a private MBBS seat
Got one of the best patient for exam :)
Does anyone have cms books pdf?
Tired of Seeing Homeopathy & Ayurveda Ads Defaming Modern Medicine
Is the no need to do medicine just do patho micro pharm properly applicable to everyone
Saw this AD!! Isn't this derogatory?
How to deal situations like this !! ?
Marrow rapid revision notes
Destroying your Youth Days to become Doctor is not worth in India
Suicide 😳
Why women are smarter!?
Doctors of India: What would be the salary of a doctor with MBBS after completing Diabetolofy course?
Chat Is this true?
Need advice
My study set up in hostel
how much luck is too much luck?